

Hi There. My Instagram will tell you that I’m a wife, mother, fitness instructor, nutrition coach, personal trainer and PKD Warrior. I love my kids, husband, dog, fitness, good food, other people living their truth (whatever it is), and inspiration. But I’m also a woman living with something called PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease), which I vow to never let stop me. More than anything, I believe balance is possible. We just have to be willing to create it for ourselves.

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been an active person. I played sports in school, loved the outdoors and was always open to trying new things. However, I was never the best eater. I was one of those picky kids, which turned into a picky young adult, who wouldn’t touch any sort of fruit or vegetable. I stuck to anything white or processed. It never really phased me, or so I thought. Reflecting back on it, I can see where things could have been disruptive. I finally understand why I had all those stomach aches as a kid.

Flash forward to my PKD diagnosis at age 20. It changed my world and I began to change my perspective. Flash forward another few years when I became a mother at age 31. Wow! Doesn’t that just change EVERYTHING!? If your a parent you know what I’m talking about. It changed the amount of time I had to spend working on myself and the amount of sleep I could get in a night. It also changed my whole thought process on the importance of food. Then I discovered I could no longer do the things I used to do, or at least not yet, and not in the same way - I had to do things differently. I was tired, completely out of shape, and I felt really unhealthy. In all honesty I didn’t feel like me, and I really wanted to feel like me again.

When my second baby turned 1, at age 34, I decided I could dedicate more time to making myself healthy again. It was hard. I had a long road ahead. I tried a lot of things that worked, and I tried a lot of things that didn’t. Not to mention the things I should have never even bothered with at all. Through it all I learned a lot. I learned so much that I decided to become a certified nutrition coach and personal trainer. So that others, like me, won’t have to go through the journey alone or make the same mistakes I did. I show people that you can be healthy, but still have a life outside of food and exercise. That you can eat healthy without sacrifice. That balance is possible. But also, in fact, that health isn’t just about what you eat. It’s about where you are mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Yes, of course, nutrition and movement both play a giant role, but it’s only a small piece in a much bigger puzzle.

I continue to learn and evolve as I age with how I care for my body, and I believe that if lifelong health and wellness is your goal, then you should do the same.  Always checking in with yourself to see how you're doing.  I primarily work with clients ages 40-70+ looking to move more, build strength, increase flexibility, eat well, and create more balance both physically and metaphorically.  I look forward to working with you more.


I was born and raised in San Diego, CA, but now live in Henderson, NV with my entrepreneur husband, Andy, our two daughters, and dog Charlie. I love to spend time with my family, read young adult novels, boy-bands of all generations, anything SOULfusion or yoga related, any adventure that requires us leaving the house, and podcasts are my favorite binge. I go to bed early and wake up early. Not because I have to, but because that’s just my clock. I meditate and pray daily. I love to write and tell my kids stories. I spent 10 years in the non-profit fundraising world and left after my second daughter was born to be a stay at home mom. Best decision I’ve ever made!


PNL1 Nutrition Certification - since 2018

NASM Certified Personal Trainer - since 2020

SOULfusion Certified - since 2020

NASM Certified Stretch and Flexibility Coach - Since 2022